Supplier CSR Code of Conduct
The standards of behavior and activities that we would like our business partners at SANEI HYTECHS Corporation to practice and adhere to are as follows.
We kindly ask our business partners to understand and actively promote CSR activities based on these standards.
Additionally, we encourage our suppliers to comply with these conduct standards, and we request them to provide any necessary information required for adherence to these standards.
We kindly ask our business partners to understand and actively promote CSR activities based on these standards.
Additionally, we encourage our suppliers to comply with these conduct standards, and we request them to provide any necessary information required for adherence to these standards.
1.Compliance with Laws and Respect for International Standards
Comply not only with the applicable regulations of the country/region where operations are conducted but also respect international codes of conduct.
2.Human Rights and Labor
2-1. Prohibition of Forced Labor
Do not utilize labor obtained through coercion, restraint, inhumane prison labor, slavery, or human trafficking.
Preserve the right of workers to terminate employment voluntarily without any form of compulsion.
Preserve the right of workers to terminate employment voluntarily without any form of compulsion.
2-2. Prohibition of Child Labor and Consideration for Young Workers
Do not employ children below the minimum working age.
Additionally, refrain from engaging workers under the age of 18 in hazardous work, such as night shifts or overtime, which could compromise their health and safety.
Additionally, refrain from engaging workers under the age of 18 in hazardous work, such as night shifts or overtime, which could compromise their health and safety.
2-3. Consideration for Working Hours
Ensure that workers are not made to work beyond the limits set by local regulations and manage the working hours and holidays of workers appropriately, considering international standards.
2-4. Fair Wages and Allowances
Comply with all applicable regulations concerning compensation for workers (including minimum wage, overtime pay, and legally mandated allowances and deductions).
Consider providing wages at a level that covers the necessities for a decent standard of living.
Consider providing wages at a level that covers the necessities for a decent standard of living.
2-5. Prohibition of Inhumane Treatment
Respect the human rights of workers and refrain from engaging in inhumane treatment such as mental or physical abuse, coercion, harassment, and any acts with the potential for such behavior.
Provide facilities for safeguarding personal belongings and valuables, as well as sufficient individual space for access and egress.
Provide facilities for safeguarding personal belongings and valuables, as well as sufficient individual space for access and egress.
2-6. Prohibition of Discrimination
Prohibit discrimination and harassment within the company.
Additionally, show appropriate consideration for requests related to religious practices from workers within reasonable bounds.
Additionally, show appropriate consideration for requests related to religious practices from workers within reasonable bounds.
2-7. Freedom of Association, Right to Collective Bargaining
Respect the right of workers to unionize as a means to achieve labor-management discussions on matters such as the working environment and wage levels, while complying with local regulations.
3.Safety and Health
3-1. Occupational Safety
Identify and evaluate risks to occupational safety, ensuring safety through appropriate design, technology, and management measures.
Pay particular attention to the needs of pregnant women and mothers during lactation.
Pay particular attention to the needs of pregnant women and mothers during lactation.
3-2. Preparedness for Emergencies
Prepare for emergencies, including disasters and accidents that may compromise the safety of lives and bodies. Identify potential emergency situations, create action procedures for emergency measures to minimize damage to workers and assets, install necessary facilities, and provide education and training to ensure that actions can be taken during disasters.
3-3. Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases
Identify, evaluate, record, and report on the situation of occupational accidents and occupational diseases. Take appropriate measures and corrective actions.
3-4. Industrial Hygiene
Identify and evaluate risks of workers being exposed to harmful biological, chemical, and physical influences in the workplace. Implement appropriate management.
3-5. Consideration for Physically Demanding Work
Identify and evaluate physically demanding work, managing it appropriately to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
3-6. Safety Measures for Machinery and Equipment
Evaluate the absence of safety risks for machinery and equipment used by workers in their duties and implement appropriate safety measures.
3-7. Safety and Hygiene of Facilities
Ensure the safety and hygiene of facilities provided for the lives of workers (dormitories, cafeterias, toilets, etc.).
In dormitories, ensure appropriate emergency exits.
In dormitories, ensure appropriate emergency exits.
3-8. Communication of Safety and Health
Provide appropriate safety and health information through education and training in a language and manner that workers can understand, addressing various occupational hazards they may encounter.
Establish a mechanism to collect feedback from workers regarding safety-related opinions.
Establish a mechanism to collect feedback from workers regarding safety-related opinions.
3-9. Health Management of Workers
Implement appropriate health management for all employees.
4-1. Environmental Permits and Reporting
Obtain necessary permits, approvals, registrations, and make the required reports in accordance with the regulations at the location of the business.
4-2. Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction
Strive for energy efficiency improvement and engage in continuous activities to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
4-3. Emissions to the Atmosphere
Comply with relevant regulations and implement appropriate measures to reduce the atmospheric emissions of harmful substances.
4-4. Water Management
Comply with regulations, monitor the source, use, and discharge of water, and promote water conservation.
Before discharging or disposing of any wastewater, demonstrate its characteristics as needed and implement monitoring, control, and treatment.
Identify potential sources of water pollution and manage them appropriately.
Before discharging or disposing of any wastewater, demonstrate its characteristics as needed and implement monitoring, control, and treatment.
Identify potential sources of water pollution and manage them appropriately.
4-5. Effective Use of Resources and Waste Management
Comply with regulations, promote reduction, reuse, and recycling through proper management to ensure the effective use of resources and minimize waste generation.
4-6. Management of Chemical Substances
Comply with regulations, identify, label, and manage chemicals and other substances that pose a risk to human health and the environment. Ensure safe handling, transportation, storage, use, recycling, reuse, and disposal.
4-7. Management of Chemical Substances in Products
Comply with all regulations and customer requirements regarding the prohibition or restriction of specific substances used in products.
5.Fair Trade and Ethics
5-1. Prevention of Corruption
Refrain from engaging in any form of bribery, corruption, extortion, embezzlement, and the like.
5-2. Prohibition of Improper Benefits and Receipt
Do not provide or tolerate promises, offers, or approvals as a means of obtaining bribes or other undue or improper benefits.
5-3. Proper Information Disclosure
Disclose information related to labor, safety, environmental activities, business operations, organizational structure, financial status, and performance in accordance with applicable regulations and industry practices.
Tampering with records and false information disclosure are not acceptable.
Tampering with records and false information disclosure are not acceptable.
5-4. Respect for Intellectual Property
Respect intellectual property rights, and transfer technology and know-how in a manner that protects intellectual property. Also, protect the intellectual property of third parties such as customers and suppliers.
5-5. Conducting Business Fairly
Conduct business, competition, and advertising fairly.
5-6. Protection of Whistleblowers
Protect the confidentiality of information related to whistleblowing and the anonymity of whistleblowers. Eliminate retaliation against whistleblowers.
5-7. Responsible Mineral Procurement
Conduct due diligence to determine whether minerals such as tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold included in manufactured products are associated with or contribute to serious human rights abuses, environmental destruction, corruption, conflict, or complicity in conflict regions and high-risk areas.
6.Quality and Safety
6-1. Ensuring Product Safety
Design, manufacture, and sell products that meet safety standards defined by laws in each country, ensuring sufficient product safety through responsible supply practices.
6-2. Quality Management
Comply not only with all applicable regulations regarding the quality of products and services but also adhere to our own quality standards and customer requirements.
6-3. Accurate Provision of Product and Service Information
Provide accurate and clear information about products and services, avoiding any misleading information.
7.Information Security
7-1. Defense Against Cyber Attacks
Implement defensive measures against threats such as cyber attacks to manage and prevent harm to both our company and others.
7-2. Protection of Personal Information
Comply with relevant regulations and appropriately manage and protect all personal information, including that of suppliers, customers, consumers, and employees.
7-3. Prevention of Confidential Information Leakage
Properly manage and protect not only our own but also confidential information received from customers and third parties.
8.Business Continuity Plan
8-1. Development and Preparation of Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Identify and assess risks that may hinder business continuity, conduct a thorough examination of the impact on the business, and formulate a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) outlining medium to long-term preventive measures and the status of these initiatives.
For our business partners:
If any of our employees make unreasonable requests or engage in inappropriate behavior, please contact the following office.
[Contact Information]
SANEI HYTECHS CSR Department: csr[at]
* When contacting us, please replace [at] with @.
[Contact Information]
SANEI HYTECHS CSR Department: csr[at]
* When contacting us, please replace [at] with @.